Panduan membuat nomor halaman di Word yang mudah Anda ikuti dan praktikan. Anda dapat mempelajari cara membuat beberapa penomoran berbeda, increase the number of pages, different numbering formats and removing page numbers and other settings you need to know.
For those of you who are writing writing, You will need page numbers for each sheet, and usually use a different numbering format for each section of writing. You don't need to separate your documents to create different numbering, through this guide, You can set several different numberings in one document.
Panduan ini telah diperbarui dengan langkah praktik menggunakan Microsoft Office 2019. It is intended that this guide can help you overcome various problems related to page numbers in Word and developmentally appropriate.
List of contents:
Cara Mengelola dan Membuat Nomor Halaman di Word
Berikut adalah cara membuat nomor halaman di Word dan cara menatanya yang harus diketahui dalam pembuatan karya tulis:
Adding Page Numbers in Word
Untuk menambahkan nomor halaman di Word cukup mudah, Anda dapat melakukannya dengan langkah berikut:
- On the tab Insert, part Header & Footer, click Page Number.
- Select the page number position you want. Example: Bottom of Page
- In the gallery, Click the page number format you want. Example: Plain Number 3
Setting the Position of Page Numbers in Word
You can position page numbers in Word in several ways. Panduan ini akan menunjukan dua cara yaitu dengan perataan paragraf dan dengan Tab Stop
Mengatur posisi Nomor Halaman dengan perataan Paragraf
You can position the page numbers in the middle or on the right side of the page with paragraph alignment. Here are the steps:
- double click on the area Header or Footer (in the section you have added the page number).
- Highlight the page number you want to change the position of
- On the tab Home, in the Paragraph then select the alignment you want. Align left, flat center or flat right.
Mengatur posisi Nomor Halaman dengan Tab Stop
You can also set the page number at a certain position by adding Tab Stop. Here are the steps:
- Double click on the page number,
- Click on the ruler or position on Footer what you want, for Tab Stop will be created automatically
- To move between Tab Stop, Press the button Backspace or Tab on the keyboard.
Starting Numbering on the Second Page in Word
Anda dapat mulai penomoran dokumen Anda pada halaman kedua, misalnya halaman pertama adalah sampul dokumen yang tidak perlu nomor halaman. To start numbering on the second page, do the following steps:
- Double-click the page number.
- On the tab Design , in the group Options , check the box Different First Page .
- Selanjutnya Anda dapat memulai penomoran dengan 1
Penomoran Berbeda dalam satu Dokumen Word
Jika Anda ingin mempunyai dua atau lebih penomoran yang berbeda dalam 1 dokumen Word, misalnya memulai penomoran huruf i Of page 1, penomoran dengan number 1 Of page 4 and so on. You need to add Section Break (Next Page) sebelum halaman tempat Anda ingin memulai penomoran berbeda.
1. Menambahkan Section Breaks
To add Section Breaks, do the following steps:
- Click at the beginning of the page where you want to start different numbering.
- On the tab Page Layout, in the group Page Setup , click Breaks.
- Under Section Breaks, click Next Page .
you can menampilkan dan melihat di mana saja Section Breaks yang telah Anda tambahkan, sehingga Anda dapat menghapusnya jika tidak diperlukan.
2. Nonaktifkan Link to Previous
After adding Section Breaks (Next Page) on the previous page, Anda perlu mematikan opsi Link to Previous pada halaman yang ingin Anda buat penomoran berbeda agar penomorannya tidak terhubung dengan halaman sebelumnya, berikut caranya:
- Klik dua kali di bagian nomor halaman yang Anda buat penomoran berbeda.
- On Header & Footer Tools, in the group Navigation, click Link to Previous to turn it off.
Memulai Penomoran dengan Angka 1
Anda dapat memulai penomoran dengan angka 1 atau dengan huruf romawi untuk setiap penomoran yang Anda buat. Caranya klik Page Number in the group Header & Footer, then click Format Page Number, select Start at lalu masukkan angka 1.
You can too change the numbering format untuk setiap penomoran yang Anda buat.
Changing the Numbering Format in Word
You can replace the numbering format with another, for example with format i, ii, iii, Roman numerals I, II, III or A, B, C. Follow these steps to change the page numbering format in Word.
- Double click in the header or footer area (in the section you have added the page number). This will open a tab Header & Footer Tools.
- Click Page Number in the group Header & Footer , then click Format Page Number, then click on Number format select the format you want, example i,ii,iii, or I,II,III or A,B,C
Menyisipkan Jumlah Total Halaman di Word
Anda dapat menambahkan bidang khusus seperti jumlah halaman di bagian footer dokumen Word, Example: Page 1 from 33 page. Untuk menambahkan jumlah halaman di bagian footer, do the following steps:
- Double click the page number. If you want to, You can add words “page” before the page number, then add the distance between the two.
- On the tab Design part Insert, select Quick Parts then select Field…
- In the list Field name, select NumPages if you don't use different numbering. Select SectionPage jika Anda ingin menggunakan Section Break (Next Page) for different numbering.
- You can choose Format for example 1, 2, 3 then click OK .
Displaying Formatting Marks in Word
You can enable or disable the display of formatting marks, this is specifically for advanced layout tasks. By enabling the display of formatting marks, You can view and delete hidden characters such as spaces, paragraph marker, Section Break or tab marks in a Word document.
To enable or disable the display of formatting marks in Word, on the tab Home click the button Show/Hide as in the following picture:
Removing Page Numbers in Word
To delete page numbers in Word, follow these steps:
- Double click the header, footer, or page number.
- Select page number.
- Press DEL.
- Repeat steps 1-3 di untuk setiap penomoran halaman yang ingin Anda hapus.
Closing Headers and Footers in Word
To close Header documents, click Close Header and Footer on the tab Design (under Header & Footer Tools) . Or it could also close Header by double clicking on the body of the document.
That's how to make page numbers in Word which can be described in this guide. Hopefully the guide can help you overcome various problems related to page numbers in Word.
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