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7 The Effect of Digital Technology on Human Cognition

7 The Effect of Digital Technology on Human Cognition

Is there and what is the influence of digital technology on human cognition?? According to Nicholas Carr, an American journalist and author who has published books and articles on technology, business, and culture, wrote in a book about some of the long-term effects of the use of digital technology on human cognition. Dalam bukunya The Shallows: What
Know Dangerous Computer Viruses and How They Work

Know Dangerous Computer Viruses and How They Work

Since its first appearance in the mid-1980s, Computer viruses cause billions of dollars in economic losses every year. Along with the development of computer system technology, Computer viruses also find new ways to spread themselves through various existing communication media. Artikel ini akan memberikan informasi tentang virus komputer berbahaya dan
7 Things Every Computer User Should Know

7 Things Every Computer User Should Know

Many people don't realize the things every computer user should know until something bad happens to them, some of which are often ignored. Apart from providing quite large benefits, Using a computer can also cause harm if it is not used properly and appropriately. Losses due to data loss or leakage, atau menjadi korban
10 Business Lessons to Get Rich from Jeff Bezos

10 Business Lessons to Get Rich from Jeff Bezos

If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, take a look 10 Business lessons by Jeff Bezos that change the game so you can compete and get rich. Jeffrey Preston Bezos is one of the richest entrepreneurs in the world. It is the founder, leader, CEO, president and majority owner of the world's largest technology company Saat artikel
About Hyper-V on Windows 7 and Alternatives

About Hyper-V on Windows 7 and Alternatives

If you are still using Windows 7, You may be interested in using Hyper-V on Windows 7 to create a virtual machine. Hyper-V has various requirements that you may not be able to meet. There is a lot of information circulating saying that Hyper-V can be installed on Windows 7. Is it true that Hyper-V can be activated on Windows 7? Besides…
3 Stages of Electronic Ticket Hearing – Violators Must Know

3 Stages of Electronic Ticket Hearing – Violators Must Know

For those of you who are subject to electronic tickets, you may ask where the ticket hearing is and what the process is. This article will explain to you. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia has issued Regulation Number 12 Year 2016 Concerning Procedures for Resolving Traffic Violation Cases. Dalam peraturan tersebut disebutkan bahwa penyelesaian perkara pelanggaran lalu
Read it!

Read it!

Read it, as a reminder to myself. Also for those of you who are already successful, is trying, or who are currently in a slump. How do we understand the meaning of life? The Meaning of Life What we are doing here and where we are going? Sama halnya seperti kita bangun di pagi hari dan kemudian
So that other people like us, Have These Six Ways

So that other people like us, Have These Six Ways

It is a happiness if many other people like us, because with that we have many friends and companions. But, how to get other people to like us? Being someone you like is not always about physical appearance or position. Sometimes simple but honest, friendly, faithful, dan dekat di